Philings Animation is composed of a carefully selected team of professional Master of Ceremonies that offer outstanding service. We work with you to ensure you receive the right type of host to provide your particular event with a touch of prestige.
Looking for a quality Master of Ceremonies?
Whether for:
• Corporate events
• Galas
• Congress/assembly
• Awards
• Team building activities
• Conferences
• Product launches
• Weddings
• Or any other type of hosted event.
Our passionate, professional, positive and energetic MCs will charm you and your guests!
We all have a great sense of adaptability. Our flexibility and versatility allows us to be comfortable hosting both in French and English, as well as working with young children and adults, family or corporate guests. Our talent as improvisers make us unique as hosts allowing us to face the unexpected while also being able to add a touch of humor when fitting!
At Philings Animation we know how to keep your event flowing and on schedule. Your guests will be engaged and entertained and your speakers will feel valued.
We have the right candidate for you while offering competitive prices!
You are a few steps away from having found a Master of Ceremonies who will provide you with a remarkable experience that will remain etched in memory.
This is our pledge for your success!